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Vzor F Pracovní smlouva - běžná varianta (anglicky - překlad vzoru A)

13.2.2008, Zdroj: Verlag Dashöfer

Vzor F Pracovní smlouva – běžná varianta (anglicky – překlad vzoru A)

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with its registered office..............................................................................

registered in the Commercial Register kept by ..........................................

acting by .....................................................................................................

(hereinafter referred to as the " Employer“)




Date of Birth.: .............................................................................................

residing at: ..................................................................................................

(hereinafter referred to as the " Employee“)

(the Employer and the Employee referred to also as the " Contracting Parties“ separately referred to as " Contracting Party“)

have entered on the day, month and year as bellow and in accordance with the provision of Sec. 33 of the Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code (hereinafter referred to as the " Labour Code“), into the following

Employment Contract

  1. The Employee hereby undertakes to work for the Employer as ...................... (type of work (the name of work position)).

  2. The date on which the Employee shall start working is.......................................

  3. The place of work shall be .......................... (according to the needs and requirements of both parties, mostly the registered office of the Employer or the community where the registered office of the Employer is placed).

  4. The Employment Relationship is concluded for an
