Vzor E Výpověď z pracovního poměru daná zaměstnavatelem z
důvodu nadbytečnosti (anglicky)
JUDr. Vladimíra Knoblochová
Date of Birth.:
Residing at:
In............................... on.......................
Termination of Employment Relationship
by Notice
of Termination
Dear Sir,
on the basis of the Employment Contract concluded on
................ between you and our company as the Employer, you work at our
company as ..................
Based on the decision of our company to reduce the number of
employees, for the purpose of increasing labour productivity, the number of
employees of our company shall be reduced on 10 employees. With regard to the
above, the company made the decision to abolish your position in our company
which means your position is redundant in accordance with the provision of Sec.
52 letter c) of the Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, as amended
(hereinafter referred to as the "Labour…